
Authentic and traditional Christmas market

" Treat yourself to an enchanted and fantastic break at Kaysersberg’s authentic Christmas market. Discover artisanal products and meet talented creators in their little wooden chalets nestled in the heart of the historical centre of the medieval town. "

Forget your worries during an enchanted moment in the Christmas land, enjoy the moment and have sparkles in your eyes!

Christmas is the favourite time of the Alsatians.The inhabitants of Kaysersberg decorate their windows with fir garlands. At nightfall the imperial city is beautifully illuminated with Christmas lights. Feel the smells of cinnamon and mulled wine through the streets of the old town. A happy and festive atmosphere highlights the four Advent weekends.

Admire the carefully selected craftsmen who expose their original creations in thirty little chalets, situated in an authentic and scenic place from the 17th century, at the foot of the ruins of the castle.

You have a vast choice of Christmas presents: a small wooden toy, an amazing ceramic vase, hearts made with colourful fabrics, a beautiful Advent wreath or superb Christmas decorations. There is something for every taste, for a gift or for your pleasure.

You will not be able to resist at all the delicious specialities: « bredeles » the famous Christmas biscuits with almonds, nuts, anise, chocolate or vanilla. Sweet or salty kougelhopfs (ring cake made with brioche), « beraweckas » (fruitcakes), « mannalas (little men made with brioche) all these complemented by a glass of hot chocolate or mulled wine.

Additional information
  • Amenities services : Toilets
  • Prices : Free
  • Type d'évènement, exposition : Markets on fixed dates (regional, summer or other markets)
  • Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Arsenal hall and behind the church
  • Stationnement pour véhicules : Less than 200 m from a paying public car park, Paid parking for camper vans, Coach parking

Opening times and dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. Please take your precautions.

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