© Ville de Sélestat
© Ville de Sélestat

Symbolic Sélestat

In Sélestat, the magic of Christmas revolves around the Christmas tree. The first written mention of this holiday tradition dates to 1521 and is preserved at the town’s Humanist Library.

carte - selestat - Alsace
  • By plane35 minutes from Strasbourg Airport
  • By carServed by the A4 and the A35
  • By train2h20 from Paris and 04h30 from Lyon
Bibliothèque Humaniste - Sélestat - AlsaceN. Petit - SHKT - ADT

O Christmas Tree

In Sélestat, the Christmas trees are dressed up in their finest, both in the town squares and in living rooms. As soon as night falls, our eyes fill with wonder discovering the sparkling and majestic trees.

Sélestat is home to the first written mention of the Christmas tree in 1521, and there are plenty of surprises in store to celebrate its 500th anniversary! Immerse yourself in tales and stories at the heart of this tradition, and then treat yourself to delicious pastries or a refreshing beer with forest flavours.

Exposition boules de Noël de Meisenthal - Sélestat - Alsace©Max Coquard - Best Jobers

A great Christmas tale in Sélestat

Sélestat invites you to celebrate the town's historical heritage at the Christmas Tree Parade and exhibitions on the theme of festive decorations. There are the amazingly sumptuous Christmas baubles from the glassmaker Meisenthal as well as the original Christmas trees decorated by inspired creators, artists, and enthusiasts. Enjoy concerts of traditional carols at the Christmas market, where you'll find presents to please everyone on your list.

SELESTAT bredele de la maison du pain - Alsace© Maison du pain - ADT

Make your own bredele

Pretzels, kougelhopf, anise bread, and other sweet treats are made every day in the ovens of the Maison du Pain d'Alsace, in the historical town centre of Sélestat. For a delightful Christmas experience, grab a spot in a bredele making workshop to learn how to prepare these delicious little cakes made just for the holiday season. In the shape of a star, a Christmas tree, or a heart, and flavoured with cinnamon or anise, they're a delight for both the eyes and the taste buds!

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