Musée Sundgauvien

The Sundgauvian Museum is an excellent introduction to the diverse landscapes of this scenic region located in South Alsace (Sund-Gau = Southern region). The headwaters of the Ill River are there. The river flows through a region full of streams, ponds and woods, stretching between the Swiss border and the cities of Basel, Mulhouse and Belfort.
The Museum is housed in a beautiful Renaissance mansion, the former bailiffs' residence. It presents the region's history, life, traditions and artists. The collections feature:
- Mineralogy, fossils, Prehistory, Paleontology (cut stones from Oberlarg, pottery (Linear Band Pottery - Neolithic II)...
- Gallo-Roman and Merovingian artifacts. The local history, geography and traditions are represented by numerous documents and significant objects: portraits, furniture, a Rhenish Renaissance cupboard, polychrome wedding cupboards, earthenware stoves (Kunst) and various dishes, pots and pans.
- A room is devoted to the local costumes, lingerie and hats.
- The Fine Arts department exhibits remarkable paintings by J.J. Henner, L. Lehmann, A. Zwiller, J. Benner, A. Schachenmann, R. Breitwieser as well as sculptures by F. Voulot and antique statues.

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