Wallpaper museum
" Discover the history of wallpaper at this unique museum. Learn about the evolution of this home décor and be sure to see the panoramic wallpapers! There’s even a copy of the wallpaper currently hanging in the White House. "
The Wallpaper Museum will be closed to the public from 25 October 2023 for a period of 12 to 24 months.
Do you feel like walking in a mythological setting? Or should it be romantic or even military? The panoramic wallpapers are waiting for your in our museum in Rixheim. 200-year precious old wallpapers, the machinery to manufacture them and archives will introduce you to a world that you thought you know.
The Wallpaper Museum will be closed for renovation works from 23 October. The reopening date is not yet known.
Opening times and dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. Please take your precautions.