Historical Museum

" Discover the Historical Museum of Strasbourg, housed in the city's Grandes Boucheries built in 1588, which offers a tour of the city's history from the Middle Ages to the creation of the European institutions. "

The Historical Museum, located in the city's former slaughterhouse (1587) since 1920, aims to evoke the city's urban history including its political, economical, social and cultural history. Its wealth of collections span the years gone by: scale models such as the plan-relief of 1727 which reproduces the city and its surroundings on a scale of 1:600, paintings and graphic arts, military weapons and uniforms as well as objects from everyday life. In addition to the grand history and the memory of great historical figures such as General Jean-Baptiste Kléber, the evidence of the life ordinary citizens led (costumes, furniture, etc.) and the archaeological collections make it possible to retrace centuries of life in Strasbourg. The general public can view Strasbourg's history on display at the museum - from the Middle Ages to the French Revolution. As of November 2013, new rooms have completed this stretch, exhibiting the period between 1800 and 1949. Many aspects of life in Strasbourg are featured in these rooms - from Napoleon's visits to when the Council of Europe was founded. Audio guides free of charge.
Information in French, German and English.
Games and activities for young visitors throughout the tour.

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Opening times and dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. Please take your precautions.

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