Rohan Castle Museum

" The Rohan Castle Museum features rich archaeological collections of Gallo-Roman and medieval objects discovered in and around Saverne. The museum has three sections: art and history, Louise Weiss and archaeology. "

The Rohan Castle Museum presents rich Gallo-Roman and medieval archaeological collections discovered in Saverne and the surrounding area.
It consists of three sections: art and history, Louise Weiss and archaeology.

Art and history section
The art and history collection is very varied and covers many areas: paintings, graphic arts, polychrome wood sculptures from the 15th and 16th centuries from the churches of Saverne and its region and a room devoted to the history of the castle.

Louise Weiss Section
To honour her Alsatian ties (her family came from Petite-Pierre near Saverne), the journalist Louise Weiss (1893-1983) donated her collections to the Saverne Museum in 1981 and 1983 (ethnographic objects, paintings, drawings, decorative arts from the 19th and 20th centuries, personal archives). The rooms devoted to Louise Weiss allow visitors to understand the beginnings of European construction by discovering the avant-garde political projects she supported between 1919 and 1934 in her international political review Europe Nouvelle.

Archaeological section
In the vaulted cellars of the castle, the museum houses a rich archaeological collection with numerous Gallo-Roman funerary and votive stelae. Many of the stelae were incorporated into the construction of the stone wall in the early 4th century. It is the second largest collection of stone artefacts in Alsace after the Strasbourg Museum.

Temporary exhibitions are regularly held here.

Possibility to visit the museum and access the roof of the castle (on request).
Prices (museum + access to the roof): 5 € (adult) and 4 € (student).

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