Musée Paysan

This Museum, founded by E. Bilger, a priest, is set up in a 16th century house, subsequently altered. It focuses on country life late 19th century and early 20th century. The exhibits on the ground floor include a “Chachelofe” (an earthenware stove), oil lamps, locks, religious accessories, specimens of embroidery made by young girls, irons, clothes, stone prehistoric tools from the neighborhood and the finds from excavations conducted near the old St. Martin's church. The kitchen is furnished with utensils. The scullery was used for making bread and washing clothes. In another room, there is a “Chunscht” (a bench covered with ceramic tiles) which was kept warm by the hot air recuperated from the kitchen stove. In the five rooms on the first floor, the visitor can see earthenware tiles, objects related to milk and flour (butter prints, cake and kougelhopf molds, measures for grain…). Don't forget to look at the “Herrgottswinkel” (God's corner) in the bedroom. The partly exposed walls show the half-timbering. The barn contains the blacksmith's, the wheelwright's and the saddler's workwhops. The Museum has many other valuable items in store.

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